Who We Are

The Selma Unified Reproductive Health Services Project is a classroom-based, educational program designed to delay the onset of sexual activity among high school, middle school and alternative school students in the Selma Unified School District (Fresno County). By implementing an array of activities and providing Family PACT clinical linkage services, the program also aims to prevent unplanned repeat pregnancies and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among sexually active teens in the school district.

What We Do

In collaboration with district administration and nursing personnel, the Selma Unified Reproductive Health Services Project is led by health education staff that works on-site at Selma High School throughout the school year.   A list of services includes:

  • Implementing the Safer Choices curriculum with a rotating schedule of classes and participating schools in the district
    • A program of ETR Associates, Safer Choices is a two-year school-based sexuality education intervention designed to reduce the number of high school teens having sex and those having unprotected sex. The program also strives to enhance knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about prevention of HIV/STDs and sexual decision-making. (Authors: Fetro, J., Barth, R., Coyle, K.)
  • Establishing collaborations with Family PACT provider clinics that include a youth sensitive referral system and youth-friendly services at the clinic sites. Elements of this collaboration include clinic tours, youth only service hours, assistance with forms, the guarantee of confidentiality, etc.
  • Coordinating with district and school administrators to establish systems and processes that offer confidential access to reproductive health services by students both on and off campus.
  • Providing students information/training about topics of interest and referrals to resources and services in the community through one-on-one consultations.