Lock It Up Project
C.A.L.I. Youth Coalition
The Lock It Up Project works with youth from across Fresno County who form part of “Collaborate. Advocate. Lead. Inspire.” Youth Coalition.
The Lock It Up Project has three active youth groups in the cities of Sanger, Reedley and Firebaugh where C.A.L.I. members are an essential part of program initiatives. Youth members serve all of Fresno County by providing health education and efforts towards the prevention of prescription drug and over the counter medication abuse. The Lock It Up Project empowers CALI members through opportunities that develop and foster professional developmental skills. Youth participants also have the chance to participate in local activities like community events , Youth Summit, and other activities geared towards community education and empowerment.
As a participant of the C.A.L.I. Youth Coalition, the goal is to establish collaboration between youth coalition members and program staff to provide education, resources and engaging activities to the community and school.
Youth Expectations:These expectations and objectives can be modified and adjusted per agreement between staff leads and youth members that ensure a fun and successful youth coalition environment.
By participating in the activities and meetings of the C.A.L.I. Youth Coalition, members can be expected to:
- Attend and participate in bi-weekly meetings (in-person or virtually) to keep up with information and projects.
- Communicate with Youth Coalition staff all program relevant information (project progress, attendance issues, schedule changes, etc.)
- Receive reminders about meetings/activities/projects through text messages, phone calls, email and/or social media.
Represent the program and agency (the California Health Collaborative) in a manner that is professional and in representation of program and agency.
All youth members must be:
• 13-18 years old (High School)
• Residents of Fresno County
• Passionate about wanting to make a difference in their community
• Members are encourages to obtain good academic standing (2.5 or higher)
• Attend and participate in C.A.L.I. Youth meetings (varied by site)
• Help plan countywide activities and campaigns
• Keep open communication with LIUP program staff
• Opportunities to develop leadership and advocacy skills
• Fostering and developing public speaking and communication skills
• Expand knowledge of prevention efforts related to prescription and over the counter medications
• Opportunities to connect and work with community stakeholders
• Opportunities to develop leadership and advocacy skill
• Letters of recommendation
• End of year activities and incentives
• Mentoring and guidance by Lock It Up Project staff
Interested in joining and becoming a C.A.L.I. Youth member?
Please fill out the C.A.L.I Youth Coalition membership form. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (insert email).