Lock It Up Project
Pharmacy Initiative
Partnership with local and chain pharmacies to educate their consumers on safeguarding of prescription medication, promoting the use of lock boxes, and promoting safe disposal sites throughout Fresno County. Expand outreach to future medical providers for student nursing groups, UCSF medical residency program, and pharmacology students in efforts to raise awareness on the issue, encourage the adoption of safe prescribing guidelines, and encourage the use of the prescription drug monitoring program.
Participating Pharmacies:
Pharmacy Pharmacy LLC (Fresno)
Fox Drug Store #1 (Selma)
Rite Aid 5860 (Selma)
Fox Drug Store #2 (Parlier)
Rite Aid (Fresno)
Pillbox Pharmacy (Fresno)
Medicine Shoppe (Fresno)
Manor Drugs (Fresno)
Caruther’s Pharmacy (Caruthers)
Rite Aid (Fresno)
CareRx Pharmacy (Fresno)
Rite Aid #6476 (Fresno)
Bullard Pharmacy (Fresno)
Northwest Pharmacy (Fresno)
Sunnyside Pharmacy (Fresno)
Primary Care Pharmacy (Fresno)
Medicine Shoppe (Fresno)
Fresno State Pharmacy (Fresno)
Barr Pharmacy (Sanger)
Scriptlife Pharmacy (Clovis)