Every Woman Counts
Who We Are
Every Woman Counts provides free comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection services for age/income-eligible uninsured/underinsured California residents.
Bay Area
Central Valley
Desert Sierra
Gold Country
Los Angeles County
San Diego/Imperial Counties
Northern California Regions
State & National Breast & Cervical Resources
- EWC Educational Materials
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Information
- California Smokers Helpline
- National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP)
- CDC’s Breast Cancer Information
- CDC’s Cervical Cancer Information
- United Breast Cancer Foundation
- American Cancer Society | 916.561.2900
- American Cancer Society | 1.800.227.2345
- Patient Advocate Foundation | 1.800.532.5274
- CancerCare | 1.800.813.HOPE
- Patient Services Inc. | 1.800.366.7741
- The Pink Fund | 1.877.234.PINK
- Cancer Legal Resource Center | 866.843.2572
CLRC hosts a national, toll-free Telephone Assistance Line where callers can receive free and confidential information about relevant laws and resources for their particular situation.
Pay for housing during breast cancer treatment
Region 1 – San Diego & Imperial Counties
- Helen Knoll Foundation
- 211 San Diego
- Komen San Diego
- Cancer Resource Center of the Desert
- Imperial Valley Cancer Support Center
- Shades of Pink Foundation
- San Diego Homecare Supplies
- Jewish Family Services of San Diego
- Breast Cancer Angels
- Catherine H. Tuck Foundation
- Mama’s Kitchen
- Kids Konnected
- Legal Aid Society of San Diego – Consumer Center for Health Education & Advocacy
Region 4 – Los Angeles County
211 LA County
2-1-1 or 1.800.339.6993
211 LA County is an effective resource line providing access to comprehensive social services and support for L.A. County residents. With one phone call, clients are directly screened and connected with the services they need for themselves or their children, including shelters, meals, autism screening, veterans’ services, substance abuse programs, health care, and mental health services.
Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services
Safety net provider for LA County with 4 hospitals and 19 clinic sites. No patient is turned away.
PALS for Health
PALS provides no-cost healthcare interpretation services in the Los Angeles County area
Region 8 – Bay Area
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
BCPP works to prevent breast cancer by elimination our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation linked to the disease.
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund
(San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara Counties)
BCEF provides emergency financial assistance to low=income women and mane battling breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Action’s mission is to achieve health justice for all women at risk of and living with breast cancer.
211 Connects Bay Area residents with health and human service programs in their local community.
Dedicated to keeping people alive and safe, helping them through crises, and providing or connected them with culturally relevant resources in the community.
Ciculo de Vida’s mission is to walk alongside Latinos living with cancer and their families as they find their way through the fear, confusion, and uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis.
Shanti Project exists to enhance the health, quality of life, and well-being of people with terminal, life-threatening or disabling illness or conditions. Through a continuum of services, including in-home and onsite patient and care navigation, emotional and practical support and preserving the human-animal bond, Shanti strives to achieve the highest medical and quality of life outcomes of San Francisco’s most vulnerable.
- California Breast Cancer Research Program | 510.987.9884
- Women’s Cancer Resource Center. East Bay Breast Cancer Emergency Fund | 510.420.7900
- Breast Health Access for Women with Disabilities | 510.204.4866
- Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center Inc. Vida Con Esperanza Latina Breast Cancer Support Group
- Hospice East Bay | 925.887.5678
Region 10 – Northern California
- Komen for the Cure – Northern California | 916.231.3148
- Northern Valley Catholic Social Services – Regional Office | 1.800.846.1451
- Nor-Cal Think Pink | 530.921.9212
- North Valley Sparrow Foundation | 530.693.1520
- American Cancer Society – Northern California | 1.800.227.2345
- St. Elizabeth Hospital Cancer Center | 1.844.858.6445
- Cancer Resource Centers of Mendocino | 707.937.3833
- North State Cancer League
- Soroptomist International of Redding | 530.407.0301
- Humboldt Area Foundation | 707.442.2993
2-1-1-Norcal; serving Shasta and
Tehama Counties or dial 2-1-1
2-1-1- Butte and Glenn Counties.
Dial 2-1-1 or Text your zip code to 898211
Region 3 – Desert Sierra
American Cancer Society-Inland Empire
ACS provides information, guidance, transportation to treatment and support groups. They also offer up to date information on major cancer sites and provide peer support before, during and after treatment.
Susan G Komen Inland Empire Affiliate
Susan G Komen Inland Empire Affiliate goals are to increase breast health awareness and offer women and families residing in Inland Empire life-saving information and support. The Komen Inland Empire’s service area covers all of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties including the Coachella Valley.
Catholic Charities – Inland Empire
909.388.1239 or 951.924.9964
Catholic Charities San Bernardino & Riverside Counties is dedicated to the alleviation of the suffering and the advancement of the poor and those in crisis in local communities. Catholic Charities serves all persons in need without regard for religious affiliation. In partnership with individuals, families and communities, they advocate for needs and support client’s right to self-determination.
211 – San Bernardino and
Riverside Inland Empire United Way
Inland Empire United Way is committed to improve the lives and futures of those in need by strategically investing in education, health and financial stability. Ensure low-income families have their basic needs met and move from poverty to self-sufficiency.
Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center
Michelle’s place empowers individuals and families impacted by cancer through education and support services.
Region 6 – Central Valley
- AIS Cancer Center
- American Cancer Society
- California Cancer Center
- Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center
- El Portal Merced Cancer Center
- Links for Life-Bakersfield
- Lost Girls Motorcycle Club
- Sequoia Regional Cancer Center
- Susan G. Komen Northern and Central California
- Sisterhood of Survivors-Fresno
- The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Region 9 – Gold Country
- 211 San Joaquin 2-1-1 or 1-800-436-9997
- Care Connect (209) 943-1111 ext. 2
- San Joaquin County Human Services Agency | 209.468.1000
- Carrie’s Touch | 916.470.1846
- Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance 916.874.3100
- Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance | 916.874.3100
- My Sister’s House | 916.930.0626
- Geweke’s Caring for Women Foundation | 530.821.4721
- ngeweke@geweke.com
- American Cancer Society | 916.446.7933
Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation:
Provides assistance for diagnostic testing, patient advocacy, prevention education and compassionate support to local individuals facing or fighting breast cancer. They serve the greater Sacramento area. (916) 927-1592.
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center:
Community Outreach and Engagement office with support groups in surrounding counties 1-800-770-9261