Families United to End the Rising Tobacco Epidemic

Tobacco Prevention

Families United to End the Rising Tobacco Epidemic

About Us

The F.U.E.R.T.E. Project is dedicated to addressing tobacco-related health inequities among Hispanic/Latinos in the cities of Palm Desert and La Quinta. Through education, the project aims to prevent tobacco use among youth and raise awareness of the prevalence of tobacco products and their associated health risks.


F.U.E.R.T.E. is dedicated to educating community members and partners through interactive trainings and presentations designed to bring light to the accessibility and danger tobacco products pose to the Hispanic/Latino community.


In F.U.E.R.T.E., we believe community engagement is key to a strong and healthy community. Community members and partners will work together to spread awareness of tobacco related harms and support one another to build momentum to end the influence of the commercial tobacco industry.


The F.U.E.R.T.E. Project aims to empower community members to voice their concerns and actively engage in decision making within their communities. 

The FUERTE project is constantly seeking new adult or youth volunteers who are interested in making a positive impact in their community. We are dedicated to supporting our volunteers in their areas of interest, whether it involves professional development, gaining exposure in public health, or simply giving back to the community. If you are interested, please reach out to the program manager or community engagement coordinator via email. Thank you.

“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.”

— Helen Dye

Cessation Resources

For more information and support on how to quit please visit Kick It California.