Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project

Who We Are

The Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project is a program designed to help families share their values, create a family bond, and talk about the tough stuff – including sexual health and healthy relationships. Through the Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) program curriculum, teens (ages 13-19) are able to establish trust with their supportive adult* which allows them to get the support they need to make healthy choices and achieve their goals including: decreased rates of unwanted pregnancy, STIs, depression, drug and alcohol use; and increased school success. 

The main goals of the program are:

  • Increase the frequency and quality of communication about sexuality between teens and their supportive adults
  • Enhance the relationship between teens and their supportive adults
  • Increase teen confidence to prevent unwanted pregnancy
  • Increase supportive adults’ comfort with their youth receiving sexual health services 
  • Decrease unplanned teen pregnancy

*Supportive adults can include a biological parent, foster parent, caregiver, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or another important adult in the life of that teen.


September 2024

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Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project

Who We Are

The Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project is a program designed to help families share their values, create a family bond, and talk about the tough stuff – including sexual health and healthy relationships. Through the Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) program curriculum, teens (ages 13-19) are able to establish trust with their supportive adult* which allows them to get the support they need to make healthy choices and achieve their goals including: decreased rates of unwanted pregnancy, STIs, depression, drug and alcohol use; and increased school success. 

The main goals of the program are:

  • Increase the frequency and quality of communication about sexuality between teens and their supportive adults
  • Enhance the relationship between teens and their supportive adults
  • Increase teen confidence to prevent unwanted pregnancy
  • Increase supportive adults’ comfort with their youth receiving sexual health services 
  • Decrease unplanned teen pregnancy

*Supportive adults can include a biological parent, foster parent, caregiver, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or another important adult in the life of that teen.


Monika Gracian Director of Program Services

Karen Alameddine Education and Outreach Coordinator

Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project

Youth Development

Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project

Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project

Who We Are

The Sex Ed Equity (S.E.E.) Project is a program designed to help families share their values, create a family bond, and talk about the tough stuff – including sexual health and healthy relationships. Through the Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) program curriculum, teens (ages 13-19) are able to establish trust with their supportive adult* which allows them to get the support they need to make healthy choices and achieve their goals including: decreased rates of unwanted pregnancy, STIs, depression, drug and alcohol use; and increased school success. 

The main goals of the program are:

  • Increase the frequency and quality of communication about sexuality between teens and their supportive adults
  • Enhance the relationship between teens and their supportive adults
  • Increase teen confidence to prevent unwanted pregnancy
  • Increase supportive adults’ comfort with their youth receiving sexual health services 
  • Decrease unplanned teen pregnancy

*Supportive adults can include a biological parent, foster parent, caregiver, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or another important adult in the life of that teen.

Families United to End the Rising Tobacco Epidemic

Tobacco Prevention

Families United to End the Rising Tobacco Epidemic

About Us

The F.U.E.R.T.E. Project is dedicated to addressing tobacco-related health inequities among Hispanic/Latinos in the cities of Palm Desert and La Quinta. F.U.E.R.T.E. is committed to preventing tobacco use among youth and spreading awareness of the prevalence and dangers of usage.


F.U.E.R.T.E. is dedicated to educating community members and partners through interactive trainings and presentations designed to bring light to the accessibility and danger tobacco products pose to the Hispanic/Latino community.


In F.U.E.R.T.E., we believe community engagement is key to a strong and healthy community. Community members and partners will work together to spread awareness of tobacco related harms and support one another to build momentum to end the influence of the commercial tobacco industry.


The F.U.E.R.T.E. Project aims to empower community members to voice their concerns and actively engage in decision making within their communities. 

The FUERTE project is constantly seeking new adult or youth volunteers who are interested in making a positive impact in their community. We are dedicated to supporting our volunteers in their areas of interest, whether it involves professional development, gaining exposure in public health, or simply giving back to the community. If you are interested, please reach out to the program manager or community engagement coordinator via email. Thank you.

“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.”

— Helen Dye

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The Latino Coordinating Center for a Tobacco-Free California (LCC) is a program of the California Health Collaborative (CHC) in partnership with the University of Southern California (USC), funded by the California Department of Public Health- California Tobacco Control Program.



The mission of the LCC is to improve the overall health of Latinos in California by reducing tobacco-related disparities through the adoption and implementation of policies and system changes via statewide collaboration and community empowerment.


The LCC provides tailored assistance to help programs engage the Latino community in tobacco control efforts, including the following services:

  • Foster collaboration and effective communication among regional tobacco control projects focusing on Latinos.
  • Develop and disseminate a Policy Platform to facilitate the adoption and implementation of tobacco control strategies for Latino communities.
  • Build the capacity of Latino tobacco control advocates to accelerate the adoption and implementation of policy and system change campaigns.
  • Develop and tailor educational materials and resources.
  • Leverage resources and support systems to create statewide momentum on tobacco control efforts.
  • Coordinate a Latino statewide advisory committee to provide guidance and support on the planning and implementation of tobacco control strategies.
  • Outreach to elected officials and policymakers on tobacco control issues and strategies.

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Our Services

Our Services

With its eight regional partners, LCC provides tailored assistance to help programs engage the Latino community in tobacco control efforts, including the following services:

  • Foster collaboration and effective communication among regional tobacco control projects focusing on Latinos.
  • Develop and disseminate this Policy Platform to facilitate the adoption and implementation of tobacco control strategies for Latino communities.
  • Build the capacity of Latino tobacco control advocates to accelerate the adoption and implementation of policy and system change campaigns.
  • Reach out to elected officials on tobacco control issues affecting Latinos.
  • Develop and tailor educational materials and resources.
  • Foster collaboration and effective communication among HL regional projects in California.
  • Leverage resources and support systems to create statewide momentum on tobacco control efforts.
  • Develop a policy platform to facilitate the adoption and implementation of tobacco control strategies.
  • Coordinate a Latino statewide advisory committee to provide guidance and support on the planning and implementation of tobacco control strategies.
  • Build the capacity of Latino tobacco control advocates to accelerate the adoption, implantation of policy and system change campaigns.
  • Outreach to elected officials and policymakers on tobacco control issues and strategies.
  • Develop and tailor educational materials and resources.