Asian Pacific Islander Partners & Advocates Countering Tobacco

Tobacco Prevention

Asian Pacific Islander Partners & Advocates Countering Tobacco



The Asian/Pacific Islander Partners & Advocates Countering Tobacco (API PACT) Program is a program of the California Health Collaborative. API PACT was created to support communities in addressing the negative impact that commercial tobacco has had on people, particularly populations such as the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities who have been disproportionately impacted by the tobacco industry.1

Our Voice Matter

Our community needs to tell our stories and share ideas about how to help keep families safe from the harms of tobacco. We can help keep our community healthy by working as partners with other AANHPI organizations and community members.

Youth Matter

Most people who become addicted to nicotine started using tobacco products before the age of 18.2 Let’s get our youth engaged as champions for their communities! Are you between the ages 13–17 and living in Clovis or Livingston Sign up today to be a part of our youth coalition!

Reduce Availability of Tobacco

We want to help Livingston and Clovis learn about policy solutions that limit the sale of tobacco products or require tobacco retailers to obtain a license to ensure compliance with local business standards, reduce youth access to tobacco, and limit the negative public health effects associated with tobacco use.


  1. Truth Initiative. Tobacco Use in the Asian American Community.
    targeted-communities/tobacco-use-asian-american-community [Accessed 6/2023]
  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of
    Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
    Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. 2014.
    Funded by the California Department of Public Health, Tobacco Control Program under contract No. 22-11193

Diabetes Education Program

Who We Are

The Diabetes Education Program (DEP) of the California Health Collaborative provides diabetes prevention and self-management classes at no cost to the residents of Fresno County. The DEP aims to educate and empower people with diabetes and pre-diabetes to improve overall glucose control and reduce the incidence of diabetes-related health complications.

The DEP utilizes the Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) curriculum to assist individuals with diabetes to improve their self-management skills.

DEEP consist of six, two-hour long sessions that address:

  • Understanding the human body
  • Diabetes risk factors and complications
  • Meal portion control
  • Importance of physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Funded By:

Learn more about physical activity.



Diabetes Education Program

Who We Are

The Diabetes Education Program (DEP) of the California Health Collaborative provides diabetes prevention and self-management classes at no cost to the residents of Fresno County. The DEP aims to educate and empower people with diabetes and pre-diabetes to improve overall glucose control and reduce the incidence of diabetes-related health complications.

The DEP utilizes the Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) curriculum to assist individuals with diabetes to improve their self-management skills.

DEEP consist of six, two-hour long sessions that address:

  • Understanding the human body
  • Diabetes risk factors and complications
  • Meal portion control
  • Importance of physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Funded By:

Learn more about physical activity.


September 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Diabetes Education Program

Who We Are

The Diabetes Education Program (DEP) of the California Health Collaborative provides diabetes prevention and self-management classes at no cost to the residents of Fresno County. The DEP aims to educate and empower people with diabetes and pre-diabetes to improve overall glucose control and reduce the incidence of diabetes-related health complications.

The DEP utilizes the Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) curriculum to assist individuals with diabetes to improve their self-management skills.

DEEP consist of six, two-hour long sessions that address:

  • Understanding the human body
  • Diabetes risk factors and complications
  • Meal portion control
  • Importance of physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Funded By:

Learn more about physical activity.


Brandi Muro, MPH Senior Director of Programs

Julie Ruiz Program Coordinator

Gina Falcon Program Coordinator


Ask the Facilitor

Questions about diabetes? Ask the facilitator of our Diabetes Prevention and Management Classes.

    Note: Facilitator cannot answer medical questions, or provide medical advice. 

    Diabetes Education Program

    Health Care Support Service Projects

    Diabetes Education Program

    Diabetes Education Program

    Who We Are

    The Diabetes Education Program (DEP) of the California Health Collaborative provides diabetes prevention and self-management classes at no cost to the residents of Fresno County. The DEP aims to educate and empower people with diabetes and pre-diabetes to improve overall glucose control and reduce the incidence of diabetes-related health complications.

    The DEP utilizes the Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) curriculum to assist individuals with diabetes to improve their self-management skills.

    DEEP consist of six, two-hour long sessions that address:

    • Understanding the human body
    • Diabetes risk factors and complications
    • Meal portion control
    • Importance of physical activity
    • Maintaining a healthy weight

    Funded By:

    Learn more about physical activity.


    Healing, Equity, Advocacy & Leadership (HEAL) Project

    Who We Are

    HEAL  aims to promote healthy behaviors and environments as a substance use prevention strategy for Latinx & Black Youth.


    Reduce 30 day substance use among 9th grade Latino students
    Reduce drug related suspensions by Hispanic/Latino and African American students

    1) Healing Circles

    • Provide the space to heal, share, and build relations

    2) Youth Coalitions

    • Engage youth in advocacy, leadership, and peer to peer education

    3) Art Engagement

    • Engage youth in the arts as a tool for advocacy, expression, and connection

    4) Youth Advocacy Summit

    • Peer to Peer engagement and leadership development

    Youth Coalitions

    Establish Youth Leadership Coalitions (YLC) in Visalia high schools for African American and Latino youth to engage with their peers in the development and implementation of community solutions surrounding social justice issues, including the disproportionate suspension of African American youth and the high number of alcohol and tobacco retailers in communities of color

    Art Engagement

    With the support of local Latino and African American Art Ambassadors, engage  Latino and African American youth in art expression, such as painting/graffiti art, spoken poetry, and rap/song and host an annual art showcase around the topics of social justice and health equity.

    Youth Advocacy Summit

    Support Latino and African American youth leaders annually in organizing and leading an Annual Summer Youth Leadership Summit for Latino and African American youth each year in support of building resiliency, enhancing leadership skills and engaging youth in discussions on how to improve their communities

    This project is funded by Elevate Youth California. Elevate Youth California is funded by State of California’s Department of Health Care Services through the Proposition 64 Youth Education, Prevention, Early Intervention and Treatment Account and is administered by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.


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