San Bernardino County Tobacco Control Program
Who We Are
In the American Lung Association State of Tobacco Control (SOTC) 2021 National Report, only 3 out of 22 cities in San Bernardino County, California, have a passing grade on policies for smokefree outdoor environments, smokefree housing, and reducing sales of tobacco products.
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Who We Are
The San Bernardino County Tobacco Control Program (SBCTCP) serves in the capacity of the Local Lead Agency for tobacco prevention and control efforts in San Bernardino County. With funding support from the California Department of Public Health – Tobacco Control Program, SBCTCP is administered by the California Health Collaborative to implement a comprehensive tobacco control plan designed to mitigate the impacts of tobacco in the county.
What We Do
Through community collaborations, youth engagement and the implementation of policy campaigns, SBCTCP aims to:
- Advance efforts by incorporated cities in San Bernardino County to adopt a policy that requires retailers to obtain a tobacco retail license (TRL) that regulates the sale and distribution of tobacco products, including flavored and electronic smoking devices (ESD);
- Establish a Youth Advisory Board that facilitates the engagement of youth in the program’s tobacco control efforts;
- Mobilize community members and youth advocates to promote the adoption of tobacco-free policies in outdoor non-recreational areas of incorporated communities in the county; and
- Maintain a diverse community coalition that supports and guides the tobacco control efforts in the county.
American Lung Association
441 MacKay Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92408
909.884.5864 + 1.800.LUNG-USA
Type of Service: Cessation classes; Telephone helpline; Online classes. “Freedom from Smoking” group cessation classes are available for adults and youth in locations within the County.
Cost: Please call for more information
Beaver Medical Group
1150 Brookside Avenue Suite U, Redlands, CA 92373
Type of Service: Cessation classes, 4-week session, meeting once a week. Mondays at 6:30pm-7:30pm. Classes held 5 times a year. Individual appointments available.
Cost: Free
Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc.
1963 North E Street, San Bernardino, CA 92404
Type of Service: Cessation program for pregnant women.The Perinatal Care Network (PCN) program offers a smoking cessation program for pregnant women who are enrolled in substance abuse treatment.
Cost: Must be enrolled in substance abuse treatment; Low-cost fees; Medi-Cal accepted
Kaiser Permanente
17296 Slover Avenue Palm Court I, Fontana, CA 92337
Type of Service: Cessation classes; Self-help materials; Telephone coaching; and on-line tobacco cessation services. Orientation session plus 6-week course, meeting twice a month.
Languages Served: English and Spanish
Cost: Free for members
Loma Linda Veterans Hospital
11201 Benton Road, Loma Linda, CA 92357
909.825.7084 ext.1869
Type of Service: Group & individual counseling is available in person or by phone. SmokeFreeVet text program offers daily advice and support.
Cost: Usually covered by post-military insurance
Molina Healthcare of California
200 Oceanside, Long Beach, CA 90802
Member Services:
1.800.526.8196 Inland Empire Office:
Type of Service: Cessation program. Patients are referred to California Smokers’ Helpline. Nicotine Replacement Therapy medications (Gum, patches, Zyban, Chantix) are prescribed once a certificate of enrollment in the California Smokers’ Helpline is received.
Cost: Helpline is free; Medications for Molina members only
San Bernardino Medical Group
1700 North Waterman Avenue,
San Bernardino, California 92415
909.883.8611 ext.12294
Type of Service: Support group for chew or pipe users; self-help and educational materials “Support groups offered quarterly, no prescriptions or medications provided. Call for detailed information.”
Cost: Free
VJ Sleight, Tobacco Treatment Specialist
P.O. Box 5487 La Quinta, CA 92253
Type of Service: Cessation classes; Individual sessions. Individual and group behavior modification and cognitive therapy classes. Individual classes include a 1-hour consultation. 6-week group classes can be held in other areas. Call for upcoming scheduled group classes.
Locations: Sites also available in the Riverside, Coachella Valley, and High Desert areas.
Cost: $100.00
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
400 North Pepper Avenue, Colton, CA 92324
Type of Service: Cessation classes; Support group “A series of 3 two-hour sessions each month. Meet first 3 Tuesdays of each month from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Group counseling by Physicians and Nurses.”
Cost: Free; Medication coverage depending on health insurance
Comprehensive Tobacco Treatment (CTT) Program
Loma Linda University Medical Center
11215 Mountain View Avenue, Suite, 179 Loma Linda, California 92354
Type of Service: Cessation program for pregnant smokers only “Cessation classes throughout San Bernardino County. “Earn-while-you-learn’ infant diapers provided. Call for more detailed information.”
Locations: Meeting locations include: Apple Valley, Barstow, Fontana, Loma Linda, Rialto, San Bernardino, Twentynine Palms, Victorville, and Yucca Valley.
Cost: Free
Inland Empire Health Plan
10801 6th Street Suite 120, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Member Services:
1.800.440.IEHP ext. (4347)
TTY: 1.800.718.4347
Type of Service: Members only cessation program “Members are referred to the California Smokers’ Helpline and to Chantix GetQuit (online) for support. Prescribed smoking cessation medications are covered for 2 attempts (12 weeks each) per year.”
Cost: Free for IEHP members
Inland Valley Recovery Services – Upland
934 North Mountain Avenue Suite A & B, Upland, CA 91786
Type of Service: Cessation classes “6-week course smoking cessation community workshop that meets on Mondays from 9:00am-11:00am. For more detailed information, please call the number listed.”
Cost: Free
Loma Linda University Center for Health Promotion
Evans Hall, Room 111
24785 Stewart Street, Loma Linda, CA 92350
Type of Service: Individualized quit plan “One-on-one visit with a physician or preventive care specialist. Open to the public.”
Cost: Discussed with physician; Visits may be billed to insurance
Mental Health Systems
1076 Santo Antonio Drive Suite B, Colton, CA 92324
Type of Service: Cessation program provides 1 on 1 classes “Works with Gibson Health, to set up classes”
Cost: Free
Nicotine Anonymous Support Group – Joshua Tree
First Baptist Church
6740 Sunset Road, Joshua Tree, California 92252
Type of Service: 12 Step support group “Meets Mondays at 5:30pm. Group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.”
Cost: Free
Nicotine Anonymous Support Group – Moreno Valley (Riverside County)
T.H.I.W Alono Club of Moreno Valley
24183 Postal Avenue, Moreno Valley, California 92553
Paul: 951.924.6037 Dave: 951.616.9631
Type of Service: 12 Step support group “Meets Mondays at 5:30 – 6:30pm. Group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.”
Cost: Free
Rim Family Services
28545 Highway 18, Skyforest, CA 92385
Joscelyn: 909.336.1800
Type of Service: Cessation classes, 6-week program, meets weekly on Thursdays from 2:00pm- 4:00pm. For more detailed information, please call the number listed.
Cost: Free